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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone

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Game Name : Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone
System : DVD Video
Date Added : 2005-01-31 13:53:38
Views : 23977

Brick puzzle
Insert Disc 2. Select the "Diagon Alley" at the opening screen. The following is the solution to the brick puzzle. Note: You will be allowed to pass anyway if you fail the puzzle three times.

Press Left, Up, Up, Enter
Press Up, Enter.
Press Up, Enter.
Press Right, Down, Down, Enter.
Press Down, Enter.

Insert Disc 2 and select the "Tour of Hogwart's" option. Remain at the first stop. Press Left or Right to look towards the fireplace. Press Down to highlight a sparkling painting. Press Enter for a feature about Quidditch.

Deleted scenes
Insert Disc 2. Select the "Diagon Alley" at the opening screen. Solve the brick puzzle and enter. Highlight the Gringotts sign and press Enter. Then, press Down and select the key icon. Press Enter to go into Gringotts. You should now have money for a wand. Highlight the Ollivander's sign and press Enter. Repeatedly select any box until you get your wand. Return to the main screen, then select "Classrooms" for lessons. Select "Transfiguration" then press Down to select the owls on the torch. Press Up to highlight the "H" on a shield then press Enter. At Fluffy, highlight the Flute and press Enter. At the Keys, highlight the silver one in the middle that has a bent wing and press Enter. Note This is the only key that is completely over the door in the background. At the Bottles (which was not in the movie), highlight the round one with the yellow liquid and press Enter. Highlight the red stone in the mirror and press Enter to view the deleted scenes.

Letter Of Introduction
Insert Disc 1. Press Right to highlight the picture of Hedwig to view Harry's Letter Of Introduction for Hogwarts.

Bernie Bott's Every Flavored Beans
Insert Disc 1. Press Right at the main menu to highlight the White Owl. Press Enter to view the clip.

Insert Disc 2. Select the "Diagon Alley" at the opening screen. Solve the brick puzzle and enter. Select the Gringotts sign, then press Down and select the key icon. Press Enter to go into Gringotts. Press Down until the box of Bernie Botts Everyflavored Beans is highlight. Press Enter, then highlight and select any of the four different beans.

House Points Counting Machine
Insert Disc 2 and select the "Tour of Hogwart's" option. Continue at the Dining Hall until you reach the Teacher's Table, with an option of going left, up, or right. Press Down to highlight a sparkling machine to the right of the table. Press Enter to examine the House Points Counting Machine.

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